05 vasario 2012

2012 (and furthers) wishes

and try to listen to it, everytime

or just to improve my current skills

retro one would be great

as I currently do, in fact

or Swedish (or French)

and do silly things - no one cares

never hesistate, never doubt

or other brave things

actually about studying

yeees, I need a pet

it's necesarry


beautiful things bring beautiful feelings

wasting actually

mission impossible?

or Adele, or some drum 'n basers

not only, but all the things or works i have started

mission impossible???

or something

considering that we all are going to stand out

even though I am, much more

at least ten lits

it will never be too much

I suppose there will be lots of

in fact, to any country of Scandinavia

it would be a miracle

ou ou, beautiful

and for anything having an importance for me

2 komentarai:

  1. aš irgi noriu tokio sąrašo ;D Reiks suveikt.
    Beje, esu garantuota, kad tau pavyks!!! tikrai ;*
